* I just got a FREE personalized signature by Vanessa at Butterfly Sparks Designs. It's her website, and you should check out her stuff. She's quite talented and right now she has a great promotion going on. Check it out by clicking
here and you can get a free one too!!
*Preston has been throwing food off the table when he eats. And I know it's food that he likes, so we must be in a new stage?? So I've been telling him NO when he does it and usually he stops, but sometimes I have to repeat myself and then he sticks his bottom lip out and it starts quivering. It's really quite cute and sad at the same time.
* A dear friend of ours just got back from serving in Iraq. You can check out their very sweet
reunion!! They were apart for the majority of 2 years!!!
* You know that spring has officially arrived when Bella is back in the fountain! In typical lab fashion she LOVES anything water related! At least she's smart enough not to get in during the winter months!

I am taking a baking class. Well, really it's more about decorating cakes, cookies, cupcakes...that sort of thing. I really want to take a cooking class, but thought I would start with this...since I feel a little more confident with my baking skills. So here's my first cake for the class. It's a "cupcake" cake. This is how it looked before class....

And after class....

Preston is starting to let go while standing. We caught him in the action here:

We went to the Arboretum last week. Of course "Dallas Blooms" is happening so it's just gorgeous. Here's one pic while we were there:

After the Arboretum we met Mimi for some delicious Mexican food. Can't remember the name of the restaurant but it's in the Lakewood area, right near the theatre.

*I've been working out with some girls doing
Crossfit. Well, they've been doing it for a while and I just started it. Last week we did a work-out of basically just dips, pull-ups, and push-ups and I couldn't move my arms for 2 days. Painful.
*Jason left his IPhone at a restaurant in town at the table where he was sitting. When he went back to go get it one of the bus boys had turned it in! I couldn't believe it, there are actually some honest people left in this world. ;) How is it that I can leave my little old Samsung phone at Disney and never get it back??
*I'm off to peruse through my Real Simple Magazine that just came in the mail...I love a new magazine!