OK, it's been a while since I've blogged...don't really have a good excuse, just that it's been a busy start to summer...I'll post more pics later but, here's a few of Preston (13 mo).
Preston enjoys
He also really enjoys
* dumping containers of things
*pulling on, hitting, and laying on Bella
*standing up in chairs!
*shaking his head No! You copied this from me - oops!
*saying OOOH!
*playing in water...Bella's bowl, the pool, fountains, water hose, and you've gotten really close to the toilet, but thankfully not quite in it!
*giving hugs, and patting while doing it...it's precious!
*You still like cruising everywhere, and have not chosen walking as your method of transportation. But you took your first steps on May 14. (abt 3 or 4)
*You also love your little push walker, and laugh hysterically every time it hits Bella.
*dancing. This is one of my favorites. You have a few different dance moves, depending on the music, of course. You have mastered swaying back and forth, a mini version of the twist, a little bit of head banging, and you can almost do the air guitar!
*Sleeping with your blankets.
*Pointing at anything you're interested in. This has proven to be helpful at meal time!
But I can't write all these things with out saying you still hate getting your diaper changed!! ;)
Preston is such a big boy now. I can't believe he took his first few steps, bet that was precious. Can't believe how much he has grown since we first met you guys. Love it.
i love that he tries to play the piano and the one of him cuddling with daddy. what a sweet relationship that is...
He is SO BIG!! I miss him terribly, and you too of course. We are hoping to make a trip at the end of the month up there. Hope to get to see you!!
Hey there Hollemans! Kristyn, I was in Jason's youth group in HS. We went to college with the Lancasters and now go to the Village. Glad to see you are doing well. By the way when my daughter was a baby I locked her in the car also, I was actually parked at the fire station though! Maybe we'll get to meet someday :).
Angi (Barnes) Young
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