Thought I would give a little update about little P man. You can tell from his monthly pictures below that his appearance hasn't changed much, but his ability has! He has many new talents and milestones. He's down to one nap a day, and probably has been since 15 months. He played with 2 for quite a while. We have to keep most doors closed in the house or else he's getting into things. The bathroom is a favorite of his...putting toys in the toilet, unwrapping the roll of toilet paper, and pulling trash from the trash can. Oh yes, and he can manage to do it in seconds! He loves to open and close doors, and still bangs on the doors to go outside. Seems he understands a lot of what we're saying and will respond to simple commands. A new favorite word is hot said, "ott". And then he slowly and deliberately blows on his food...doesn't matter if it's already hot or cold. It's pretty cute. He enjoys playing peek-a-boo and covers up his face, and doing the motions to Itsy-Bitsy Spider. And of course with all this growth has come a new independence for himself. Like feeding himself with a fork/spoon, still objecting to diaper changes, screaming when he doesn't get his way, etc. so fun! ;) I think he also may be on the verge of getting some more teeth.
feeding himself and only some of it actually getting in the mouth
Dipping French Toast
14 months
15 months
16 months
I like the pose of him standing on the couch and looking over his shoulder, supermodel! Ha. He is so sweet. Glad to see everything going so well for you guys. Bubba's Granny was just out here for a visit and she kept asking how you and Jason were doing, and I kept telling her that you guys were great, but that we miss y'all!
don't you love this age!? i would love to get P and miss Kate together. :)
to answer your questions...we really do all of the above. i don't take the subway unless david is with me to help navigate the stairs. i just don't like it that much.
the bus is great here in ny and that's doable by yourself, but much easier with someone else. we have a fold up maclaren with a shoulder strap, so i'm able to do public transportation pretty easily.
my preference is walking if at all possible. we take cabs a lot too...and we just hold on to her tightly! have fun. you'll do great! it's different...but doable in a city. :)
so cute. i am calling you this week!
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